With all gratitude and praise to ALLAH First and Foremost and then with gratitude to all (volunteer helpers, parents of pupils, pupils,
teachers, supervisors, administration staff, trustees and public) the Normanton House (Islamic) School of the Al-Akram Trust (registered charity number 1077822) has in its Ramadhan Appeal of 1436H raised on initial accounting just over £40,000.
May ALLAH, The Exalted, Reward you all in return for your invaluable help a place in HIS Janna that covers this universe.
In addition to this we would like to announce that the pupils of the Normanton House (Islamic Girls Secondary) School who sat their GCSE exams 2 years earlier than the national norm all (100%) acheived the highest grade.
This is due to their very hard effort and the very hard effort of their teachers. We are grateful to all (helpers, parents, pupils, teachers, admin staff, organisers) who have had involvement of any in this effort.
We again are deeply grateful to you all out there for your continued support to us here at the Al-Akram Trust.
May ALLAH Grant you all the highest of Rewards in return.
Again and ultimately all praise and gratitude goes to our Most Gracious LORD ALLAH WHO Has Made all this be.
May the Peace and Mercy and Blessings of ALLAH Be upon you
Normanton House School is part of the Stopping Domestic Abuse Together initiative
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